Hall of Justice

Impervious to kryptonite since 1974. Bragging about it since 1974.

Friday, August 19, 2005

How To Drive On Multilple Lane Roads

Is it really that complicated to change lanes? Judging by my counterparts on the streets of Northern Virginia, I’m thinking it must be. Thus, I’ve come up with some guidelines for my fellow drivers.

When to change lanes:

1. Someone ahead of you is moving slower than you are.
2. You’re in the passing lane (that’s the lane to the far left) and you’re not passing anyone, especially if there is a driver behind you who wants go faster than you.
3. You need to turn or merge onto an exit ramp.
4. The lane beside you is open and a car has to merge off of an entry ramp into your lane.
5. Other factors: the lane you are in is extremely bumpy, a huge truck ahead of you is dumping rocks all over the road or is suffocating you with exhaust, etc. Note: This type of lane change should only be made if absolutely necessary.

When not to change lanes:
1. There is a faster car behind you in the lane you are wanting to merge into. Not sure if there is a car behind you? That reflective thing in the middle of your windshield is called a rear-view mirror (i.e. it is used to view things to your rear).
2. There is nothing in front of you for 3 miles and you have no intention of leaving the road you are on.

How to change lanes:
1. Determine that a lane change is necessary.
2. Engage your turning signal (usually a long shaft extending from the left side of the steering column).
3. Check your rear-view and side mirrors and look over your shoulder to ensure that there is no traffic impeding your lane change.
4. Merge into the new lane.
5. Disengage your turning signal.


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